
After a bereavement you may need financial support certain including grants & payments which may be available to you from the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection (DEASP). They  provide certain once-off payments to help families during this difficult time. Your local DEASP’s representative (formerly known as the Community Welfare Officer) will aid you in dealing with some of these payments.

Death Assistance Grant (from €850)

The payment of this grant is discretionary and may be means tested. It is applicable mainly to those receiving Social Welfare grant payments of one form or another, including pensions. Application forms are available from your local Health Board Office and must be accompanied by the Funeral Invoice in the applicant’s name. The Community Welfare Office decides if the full grants or portion will be paid.

Click here for more information on the Funeral Grant.


Widowed Parent Grant (€8000)

This is available where a death occurs of a parent with dependent children (under 18 or over if in full-time education). The Grant is paid when the widowed parent applies for the widow/widowers pension.

Click here for more information on the Widow Surviving Spouse Grant.


Occupational Injuries Scheme (€850)

If death is work-related or as a result of a prescribed illness a Funeral Grant may be paid under the occupational injuries scheme.

Click here for more information on the Occupational injury death grant.


Social Welfare

If a spouse or partner dies while they are receiving a Social Welfare payment such as the state pension, unemployment benefit, disability benefit, etc., payments will continue to be made for 6 weeks after the death. The local Social Welfare Officer can supply more details.

Click here for more information on the Social welfare payments after death


Credit Union (from €1270)

Any qualified member of a Credit Union is entitled to receive grant payments from the Death Benefit scheme. Further details may be obtained from your local Credit Union

Click here for more information on the Credit Union Death Benefits.