Funeral Stationery
Funeral stationery is a simple way of personalising the funeral and provides an opportunity to create a unique commemoration to the person who has passed.
You can choose from a range of stationery for a funeral ceremony that includes a selection of beautifully designed Mass Booklets, Order of Service, Bookmarks and Wallet Cards.
This personalised Funeral Stationery can include photographs, personal messages, readings, hymns and poems. We will spend time helping you to choose an appropriate design and provide advice on the content and layout to help you provide family and friends with a perfect way of remembering someone special.
Mass Booklets/ Order of Service
Given to those attending the funeral service on the day, containing readings, hymns and the order of proceedings.
From €100 (minimum 50)
Price varies depending on pages/content required, which can be either 4, 8 or 12.
The booklet can include:
The order of the service
Hymns/Songs to be sung
Photo bookmarks
Eulogy details
Bookmark or Wallet Cards
Designed & prepared lasting keepsake of a loved one to be kept in a book, wallet or purse. Typically given out on the day of the funeral to close family, friends and attendees of the ceremony.
From €100 (minimum 50)
Size: Wallet Card 85x 55mm Bookmark 75 x 175mm
We can also organise to have Memorial Cards printed following the service.